From Carpentry to Joinery

This study day, organised by the Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage (IRPA-KIK), the University of Namur, the Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB) and the Royal Museums for Art and History (MRAH-KMKG), is part of the series of scientific meetings started by the research group AcanthuM (University of Namur) on the theme of construction finishings and fittings. The present meeting will focus on joinery elements in architecture from the Middle Ages and modern period that contribute to the organization of the interior workings of a building and division of space through the layout of doorways and window openings, as well as playing a part in the interior decoration.

Abstracts : Deadline : 20th April 2013

Length : 450 words

Call for papers

Acceptance for abstracts: 20th May 2013

Language: English (French/Dutch possible if necessary)

Date : 29th November 2013

Location : IRPA-KIK (Parc du Cinquantenaire 1 – 1000 Brussels)

Organising committee: Sarah Crémer, Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage (IRPA-KIK), Pascale Fraiture (IRPA-KIK), Patrice Gautier, Royal Museums of Art and History (MRAH), Mathieu Piavaux, University of Namur (UNamur), Philippe Sosnowska, Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Michel de Waha (ULB)

Scientific committee: Anna Bergmans, University of Gent, Sarah Crémer (IRPA-KIK), Pascale Fraiture (IRPA-KIK), Patrice Gautier (MRAH), Patrick Hoffsummer, University of Liège, Charles Indekeu, Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp, Isabelle Parmentier (UNamur), Mathieu Piavaux (UNamur), Philippe Sosnowska (ULB)