6th International Congress on Construction History : extended dead line july 1 2017
6th International Congress on Construction History : The call for abstracts is open
The 6th International Congress on Construction History (6 ICCH) will be organised in Brussels, from July 9 to 13, 2018. The congress follows on successful congresses held in Madrid (2003), Cambridge UK (2006), Cottbus (2009), Paris (2012) and Chicago (2015).
The call for abstracts is open! We invite researchers and practitioners from all aspects of the history of construction to submit a 400-word abstract before July 1, 2017. More information on the open and thematic sessions and the submission procedure can be found on www.6icch.org.
If your abstract is selected for a paper presentation at the congress, you will be notified by September 15, 2017. The deadline to submit full papers is December 1, 2017. Papers presented at the congress will be published in proceedings available at the congress. All papers and presentations must be in English.
If you have questions related to this procedure or if you experience any problems in submitting your abstract, please contact the congress secretariat at info@6icch.org.
We look forward to welcoming you in Brussels next year,